Student Handbook
Positive Behavior Supports/Discipline
The Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Plan for Ethel M. Taylor Academy shall serve as the Local School Behavior Plan required by the CFT Collective Bargaining Agreement. The plan will be aligned with current district strategies, and approved annually by members of the entire staff. The plan includes:
● School-wide expectations for all school settings
● Taylor Academy staff expectations
● Procedures for teaching school-wide expectations
● Descriptions of school-wide routines and procedures
● School-wide strategies for acknowledging appropriate behavior
● Ethel M. Taylor Academy’s discipline continuum
● Continuum of supports for students who need additional resources
Purpose of the Plan : Our Mission states we will teach students to reach their educational and personal potential while nurturing their self-esteem and self-confidence .In order to help our students reach their full educational and personal potential we will implement a fluid behavior plan.
This plan will allow students to demonstrate that they understand their actions, the impact their actions and choices have on themselves, peers, adults in the school, and their communities. In this system students will become aware of the impact of their behavior, understand the obligation to take responsibility for their actions, take a leadership role in the school, and take steps towards making things right.
The school district Code of Conduct is in effect inside all CPS schools, on school grounds, at school related activities, and on the way to and from school, including while riding the bus.